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Codeunit WSB_DMQEventPublishers

Exposes procedures that are invoked by the "Document Mail Queue" app and which triggers event publishers to which other extensions can subscribe to enhance/integrate with the functionality.


Name Value
Access Public



Adds all applicable attachments to the passed email message.


Type Name Description
Codeunit "Email Message" vCduEmailMessage The Email Message to add the attachments to.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage that applies
Integer pDocumentTableID The document table ID.
Code[20] pDocumentNo The document no.
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc A recordref of the source document.


Type Description
Boolean true if attachments were added


Gets the document report attachment to use for emailing for a report selection usage.


Type Name Description
Record "Report Selections" temporary vRecTempAttachmentReportSelection The attachment report selection.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage to email for.
Code[10] pSequenceNo The report selection sequence no. to email for.
Integer pSourceTableID The source table ID (customer, vendor)
Code[20] pSourceNo The source no. (customer no., vendor no.)
Integer pDocumentTableID The document table ID.
Code[20] pDocumentNo The document no.
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc The source document.
Codeunit "Temp Blob" vCduTempBlob The Temp Blob to write the PDF to.


Type Description
Boolean true if the document report attachment was retrieved successfully.


Gets the document report attachment to use for emailing for a report selection usage for a queue entry.


Type Name Description
Integer pQueueEntryNo The queue entry no.
Integer vReportID The ID of the report object to use for generating the attachment.
Code[20] vCustomReportLayoutCode The code of the custom report layout to use for generating the attachment.
Text[250] vReportLayoutName The name of the report layout to use for generating the attachment.
Guid vReportLayoutAppID The corresponding app ID for the report layout to use for generating the attachment (only for extension-provided report layouts).
Record "Report Selections" temporary vRecTempAttachmentReportSelection The attachment report selection.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage to email for.
Code[10] pSequenceNo The report selection sequence no. to email for.
Integer pSourceTableID The source table ID (customer, vendor)
Code[20] pSourceNo The source no. (customer no., vendor no.)
Integer pDocumentTableID The document table ID.
Code[20] pDocumentNo The document no.
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc The source document.
Codeunit "Temp Blob" vCduTempBlob The Temp Blob to write the PDF to.


Type Description
Boolean true if the document report attachment was retrieved successfully.


Gets the email body to use for emailing for a queue entry.


Type Name Description
Integer pQueueEntryNo The queue entry no.
Integer vEmailBodyReportID The ID of the report object to use for generating the email body.
Code[20] vEmailBodyCustomReportLayoutCode The code of the custom report layout to use for generating the email body.
Text[250] vEmailBodyLayoutName The name of the report layout to use for generating the email body.
Guid vEmailBodyLayoutAppID The corresponding app ID for the report layout to use for generating the email body (only for extension-provided report layouts).
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage to email for.
Integer pSourceTableID The source table ID (customer, vendor)
Code[20] pSourceNo The source no. (customer no., vendor no.)
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc The source document.
OutStream vOutStreamEmailBody The OutStream to write the HTML email body to.


Type Description
Boolean true if the email body was retrieved successfully.


Gets the email body to use for emailing for a report selection usage.


Type Name Description
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage to email for.
Integer pSourceTableID The source table ID (customer, vendor)
Code[20] pSourceNo The source no. (customer no., vendor no.)
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc The source document.
OutStream vOutStreamEmailBody The OutStream to write the HTML email body to.


Type Description
Boolean true if the email body was retrieved successfully.


Gets the Source Table ID and Source No. for the passed Document record. This procedure is used in Document Mail Queue to get the appropriate (custom) report selection(s) to retrieve the report request page parameters to use.


Type Name Description
Variant pDocRecRelatedVariant The source document
Integer vSourceTableID Source Table ID, e.g. Customer or Vendor table ID
Code[20] vSourceNo The Source No., e.g., Customer No. or Vendor No.


Sends an email message for a specified report selection.


Type Name Description
Integer pQueueEntryNo Entry No (PK) of the Document Mail Queue record
Codeunit "Email Message" vCduEmailMessage The email message to send.
Record "Report Selections" temporary vRecTempAttachmentReportSelection The attachment report selection.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage.
Code[10] pSequenceNo The sequence no. of the report selection.
Integer pSourceTableID The ID/number of the source entity table (customer/vendor).
Code[20] pSourceNo The no. of the source entity (customer/vendor).
Integer pDocumentTableID The ID/number of the document table.
Code[20] pDocumentNo The number of the document.
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc A recordref of the source entity.
Codeunit "Temp Blob" vCduTempBlobReportAttachment A TempBlob containing the document report attachment that is sent with the e-mail message.


Type Description
Boolean true if sending the email was successful.


Allows to add document attachments to Document Mail Queue email messages.


Type Name Description
Codeunit "Email Message" vCduEmailMessage The Email Message to add the attachments to.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage that applies
Integer pDocumentTableID The document table ID.
Code[20] pDocumentNo The document no.
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc A recordref of the source document.
Boolean vAttachmentsAdded Specifies if attachments were added (by your subscriber or previous subscribers).


Allows to hook into the moment right after the document report attachment for the Document Mail Queue email message is retrieved.


Type Name Description
Integer pQueueEntryNo The queue entry no.
Integer vReportID The ID of the report object to use for generating the attachment.
Code[20] vCustomReportLayoutCode The code of the custom report layout to use for generating the attachment.
Text[250] vReportLayoutName The name of the report layout to use for generating the attachment.
Guid vReportLayoutAppID The corresponding app ID for the report layout to use for generating the attachment (only for extension-provided report layouts).
Record "Report Selections" temporary vRecTempAttachmentReportSelection The attachment report selection.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage to email for.
Code[10] pSequenceNo The report selection sequence no. to email for.
Integer pSourceTableID The source table ID (customer, vendor)
Code[20] pSourceNo The source no. (customer no., vendor no.)
Integer pDocumentTableID The document table ID.
Code[20] pDocumentNo The document no.
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc The source document.
Codeunit "Temp Blob" vCduTempBlob The Temp Blob to write the PDF to.
Boolean vSuccess Specifies whether retrieving the document report attachment was successful.


Allows to hook into the moment right after retrieving the table ID and source entity no. for a document.


Type Name Description
Variant pDocRecRelatedVariant The document record.
Integer vSourceTableID The table ID of the source entity (customer/vendor).
Code[20] vSourceNo The no. of the source entity (customer/vendor).


Allows to hook into the moment right after a Document Mail Queue email message has been sent.


Type Name Description
Integer pQueueEntryNo Entry No (PK) of the Document Mail Queue record
Codeunit "Email Message" vCduEmailMessage The email message to send.
Record "Report Selections" temporary vRecTempAttachmentReportSelection The attachment report selection.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage.
Code[10] pSequenceNo The sequence no. of the report selection.
Integer pSourceTableID The ID/number of the source entity table (customer/vendor).
Code[20] pSourceNo The no. of the source entity (customer/vendor).
Integer pDocumentTableID The ID/number of the document table.
Code[20] pDocumentNo The number of the document.
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc A recordref of the source entity.
Codeunit "Temp Blob" vCduTempBlobReportAttachment A TempBlob containing the document report attachment that is sent with the e-mail message.
Boolean pEmailSent Specifies if sending the email was successful.


Allows to hook into the moment right before the document report attachment for the Document Mail Queue email message is retrieved.


Type Name Description
Integer pQueueEntryNo The queue entry no.
Integer vReportID The ID of the report object to use for generating the attachment.
Code[20] vCustomReportLayoutCode The code of the custom report layout to use for generating the attachment.
Text[250] vReportLayoutName The name of the report layout to use for generating the attachment.
Guid vReportLayoutAppID The corresponding app ID for the report layout to use for generating the attachment (only for extension-provided report layouts).
Record "Report Selections" temporary vRecTempAttachmentReportSelection The attachment report selection.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage to email for.
Code[10] pSequenceNo The report selection sequence no. to email for.
Integer pSourceTableID The source table ID (customer, vendor)
Code[20] pSourceNo The source no. (customer no., vendor no.)
Integer pDocumentTableID The document table ID.
Code[20] pDocumentNo The document no.
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc The source document.
Codeunit "Temp Blob" vCduTempBlob The Temp Blob to write the PDF to.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this parameter to true if your extension handles retrieving the document report attachment.
Boolean vSuccess Specifies whether retrieving the document report attachment was successful.


Allows to hook into the moment right before getting the email body to use for emailing for a queue entry.


Type Name Description
Integer pQueueEntryNo The queue entry no.
Integer vEmailBodyReportID The ID of the report object to use for generating the email body.
Code[20] vEmailBodyCustomReportLayoutCode The code of the custom report layout to use for generating the email body.
Text[250] vEmailBodyLayoutName The name of the report layout to use for generating the email body.
Guid vEmailBodyLayoutAppID The corresponding app ID for the report layout to use for generating the email body (only for extension-provided report layouts).
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage to email for.
Integer pSourceTableID The source table ID (customer, vendor)
Code[20] pSourceNo The source no. (customer no., vendor no.)
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc The source document.
OutStream vOutStreamEmailBody The OutStream to write the HTML email body to.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this parameter to true if your extension handles retrieving the email body for this case.
Boolean vSuccess Specifies whether the email body was retrieved successfully.


Allows to hook into the moment right before retrieving the table ID and source entity no. for a document.


Type Name Description
Variant pDocRecRelatedVariant The document record.
Integer vSourceTableID The table ID of the source entity (customer/vendor).
Code[20] vSourceNo The no. of the source entity (customer/vendor).
Boolean vIsHandled Set this parameter to true if your extension handles retrieving the source entity table ID and no. for this document record.


Allows to hook into the moment right after a Document Mail Queue email message has been sent.


Type Name Description
Integer pQueueEntryNo Entry No (PK) of the Document Mail Queue record
Codeunit "Email Message" vCduEmailMessage The email message to send.
Record "Report Selections" temporary vRecTempAttachmentReportSelection The attachment report selection.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage.
Code[10] pSequenceNo The sequence no. of the report selection.
Integer pSourceTableID The ID/number of the source entity table (customer/vendor).
Code[20] pSourceNo The no. of the source entity (customer/vendor).
Integer pDocumentTableID The ID/number of the document table.
Code[20] pDocumentNo The number of the document.
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc A recordref of the source entity.
Codeunit "Temp Blob" vCduTempBlobReportAttachment A TempBlob containing the document report attachment that is sent with the e-mail message.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this parameter to true if your extension handles sending the email for this case.
Boolean vEmailSent Specifies if sending the email was successful.


Allows to implement retrieving the document report attachment for a Document Mail Queue email message.


Type Name Description
Integer pQueueEntryNo The queue entry no.
Integer vReportID The ID of the report object to use for generating the attachment.
Code[20] vCustomReportLayoutCode The code of the custom report layout to use for generating the attachment.
Text[250] vReportLayoutName The name of the report layout to use for generating the attachment.
Guid vReportLayoutAppID The corresponding app ID for the report layout to use for generating the attachment (only for extension-provided report layouts).
Record "Report Selections" temporary vRecTempAttachmentReportSelection The attachment report selection.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage to email for.
Code[10] pSequenceNo The report selection sequence no. to email for.
Integer pSourceTableID The source table ID (customer, vendor)
Code[20] pSourceNo The source no. (customer no., vendor no.)
Integer pDocumentTableID The document table ID.
Code[20] pDocumentNo The document no.
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc The source document.
Codeunit "Temp Blob" vCduTempBlob The Temp Blob to write the PDF to.
Boolean vSuccess Specifies whether retrieving the document report attachment was successful.


Allows to implement getting the email body to use for emailing for a queue entry.


Type Name Description
Integer pQueueEntryNo The queue entry no.
Integer vEmailBodyReportID The ID of the report object to use for generating the email body.
Code[20] vEmailBodyCustomReportLayoutCode The code of the custom report layout to use for generating the email body.
Text[250] vEmailBodyLayoutName The name of the report layout to use for generating the email body.
Guid vEmailBodyLayoutAppID The corresponding app ID for the report layout to use for generating the email body (only for extension-provided report layouts).
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage to email for.
Integer pSourceTableID The source table ID (customer, vendor)
Code[20] pSourceNo The source no. (customer no., vendor no.)
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc The source document.
OutStream vOutStreamEmailBody The OutStream to write the HTML email body to.
Boolean vSuccess true if the email body was retrieved successfully.


Allows to implement retrieving the table ID and source entity no. for a document.


Type Name Description
Variant pDocRecRelatedVariant The document record.
Integer vSourceTableID The table ID of the source entity (customer/vendor).
Code[20] vSourceNo The no. of the source entity (customer/vendor).


Allows to implement sending a Document Mail Queue email message.


Type Name Description
Integer pQueueEntryNo Entry No (PK) of the Document Mail Queue record
Codeunit "Email Message" vCduEmailMessage The email message to send.
Record "Report Selections" temporary vRecTempAttachmentReportSelection The attachment report selection.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage The report selection usage.
Code[10] pSequenceNo The sequence no. of the report selection.
Integer pSourceTableID The ID/number of the source entity table (customer/vendor).
Code[20] pSourceNo The no. of the source entity (customer/vendor).
Integer pDocumentTableID The ID/number of the document table.
Code[20] pDocumentNo The number of the document.
RecordRef vRecRefSourceDoc A recordref of the source entity.
Codeunit "Temp Blob" vCduTempBlobReportAttachment A TempBlob containing the document report attachment that is sent with the e-mail message.
Boolean vEmailSent Specifies if sending the email was successful.