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Page WSB_ReportSelection

A list page in which you can view and edit all report and layout selections in a single overview.


Name Value
AboutText In the "Apportunix Report Selection" page you can view and edit all report selections in a single page.
AboutTitle Manage all report selections in one page
AdditionalSearchTerms dcr report selection,document creator report selection,fast report selection,email templates
ApplicationArea #All
Caption Apportunix Report Selection
ContextSensitiveHelpPage Apportunix-Report-Selection.html
PageType List
SourceTable 77
SourceTableTemporary True
UsageCategory Administration



Allows to hook into the moment that the values for a report selection record are updated.


Type Name Description
Record "Report Selections" pRecCurrentReportSelections The current report selection values.
Record "Report Selections" pRecNewReportSelections The new report selection values.
Boolean vShouldUpdate Whether or not the values should be updated with the new values.


Allows to hook into the moment right before the values of a report selections record are modified.


Type Name Description
Record "Report Selections" vRecReportSelections The report selection record that will be modified.
Record "Report Selections" pRecNewReportSelections The record that holds the values entered on the page for this report selection.