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Table WSB_EnumFieldMember

A temporary table that is used to store enum table field members/values.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Enum Field Member
DataClassification SystemMetadata
TableType Temporary


ID Type Name Description
1 Integer TableNo The ID/number of the table in which the enum table field resides.
2 Text[30] TableName The name of the table in which the enum table field resides.
3 Text[249] TableCaption The caption of the table in which the enum table field resides.
10 Integer FieldNo The ID/number of the enum table field.
11 Text[30] FieldName The name of the enum table field.
12 Text[80] FieldCaption The caption of the enum table field.
20 Integer Ordinal The ordinal value of the enum table field member/value.
21 Text[255] Name The name of the enum table field member/value.
22 Text[255] Caption The caption of the enum table field member/value.