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Codeunit WSB_SYSEventPublishers

Exposes event publishers that can be used by installed Apportunix apps to hook into common events.


Name Value
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Allows to change whether your environment is in (unit) testing mode. CAUTION: Changing the testing mode may lead to unexpected behaviour.


Type Name Description
Boolean vTestMode Set this parameter to specify whether your environment is currently in (unit) testing mode.


Allows to safely retrieve the final rendered output from a report run after modifications have been applied to the document by Apportunix extensions.


Type Name Description
Integer pObjectId The ID of the report object that was run.
JsonObject pObjectPayload The object payload of the run.
Codeunit "Temp Blob" vCduTempBlob The TempBlob that holds the final rendered output.
Boolean vSuccess Specifies whether the operations to render the report were successful.


Allows to safely retrieve the intermediate rendered output from a report run for Apportunix extensions to apply modifications to the document.


Type Name Description
Integer pObjectId The ID of the report object that was run.
JsonObject pObjectPayload The object payload of the run.
Codeunit "Temp Blob" vCduTempBlob The TempBlob that holds the intermediate rendered output.
Boolean vSuccess Specifies whether the operations to render the report were successful.