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Table WSB_PermissionGroup

Stores the definition of permission groups.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Permission Group
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany True


ID Type Name Description
1 Enum WSB_PermissionGroupType Type The permission group type.
2 Integer No The permission group number.
3 Code[20] SecurityGroupCode The code of the security group that the permission group relates to.
4 Code[20] UserGroupCode The code of the user group that the permission group relates to.
6 Boolean AllUsers Whether the permission group concerns all users rather than a specific security group or permission set.
10 Code[20] PermissionSetCode The code of the permission set that the permission group relates to.
11 Guid PermissionSetAppID The app ID of the permission set that the permission group relates to.
12 Option PermissionSetScope The scope of the permission set that the permission group relates to.